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The method aims at generating creative and innovative ideas or solutions to problems by fantasizing about what might be. This is about getting as many ideas as possible, in order to get past the most common ideas and move on to those that are less obvious and more innovative.


All the students are equipped with paper, post-it notes, scissors, markers and other materials on which they can write or sketch. Now, tell the students that each of them should write down all the ideas and solutions that come into their mind.

During the process:

  • Set up constraints in order to help the students break free of linear patterns of thinking (see Rules-maker and Patterns breaker).
  • Encourage the students to visualize ideas. Visual thinking will unlock a different part of the brain and move the students beyond the use of words alone (see The Sketchpad).
  • Use stimulation methods during the process (see Random Stimulation).


The teacher can carry out this method either as a social, interactive process in which the students benefit from the collective resources of group dynamics, or as an individual process where the students get to express their ideas without the fear of being judged by others.


Seelig, T. (2012). Ingenius. Croydon, UK: Hay House.