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Problem framing Lego


The method visualizes the problem in a physical construction. This prevail new aspects as the students use their creativity and imagination to communicate the problem in a new way i.e. the students mediate an abstract experience into a real form, which they can relate to. While the students build, they will need to reflect on the choices they make. This natural wondering will help them discover and define problems of the current situation.


The teacher kick-starts the activity by telling the students to construct something simple like a tower or an animal with Lego bricks. The Students have five minutes to finish this construction. Afterwards, the teacher asks the students to build a miniature construction of the problem; How do you perceive the current situation’, ‘Who are the key players’, and ‘What are the key artifacts?’. Thus, this construction includes different elements, linked to the problem, like users, products or companies etc.


The method can also work as an evaluation tool or as a way to develop ideas and concepts. For example, the students might test and develop their ideas by building prototypes of a product, a research project or a business model. During this process, Lego bricks can be added or removed as the students please in order to make a better construction.


Gauntlett, David (2008) Representing identities – part two: findings. Download d. 20. August 2014: University of Westminster