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The company lifecycle


Companies go through different stages as they grow. This finding led Professor Larry E. Greiner (1972) to develop a life cycle model for company growth. Thus, when the problem is linked to a company, the students use this model to analyze the current, internal situation of the company. This reflective and analytical discussion will support the students in writing a problem statement.


The teacher makes an introduction to the lifecycle model and asks the students to place the company that is linked to the problem into this model. For example, ‘Is the company facing a crisis of control whereas top management is losing control over autonomous, middle managers, or is the company in an evolutionary stage of growth through increasing coordination?’ Based on this discussion, the students write a problem statement.


The students should engage themselves in the universe of the company by making desk research, observation or interviews. This will increase their understanding of the present situation of the company.


Greiner L. E. (1972) “Evolution and revolution as organizations grow”, Harvard Business Review, 50(4): pp. 37-46.